European SME Week 2011 – 3 to 9 October
Coordinated by the European Commission, this campaign promotes enterprise across Europe in line with the Small Business Act for Europe, which is aimed to all companies having fewer than 205 employees. The Act highlights the importance of Intellectual Property Rights for SMEs alongside their active management and, within its objectives, it envisages to better shaping an efficient, cost-effective and high-quality European IP legal framework.
The SME Week will take place in 37 countries where events and activities – national, regional or local – will be organise to address as close as possible the issues of existing and potential entrepreneurs. These events will also enable existing companies to share their experiencea nd develop further themselves.
Through conferences, exhibitions, company open days or by any other means consistent with the initiative goals, it is possible to organise events and activities that:
- promote entrepreneurship
- inform businesses about the support available to help them reach their full potential.
Events’ subjects can be anything essential to running small/medium businesses such as start-ups, corporate social responsibility, tax and legal issues, etc.
For further information visit:
To read the Small Act Business click here
See also the new brochure: Thinking Big for Small Businesses – What the EU does for SMEs
Source: EuropeanCommission – Enterprise and Industry
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